Bard Sets Up Shop In Local Tavern, Confusing Regulars, Serenading With Top 10 Lists

Bard in local tavern with guitar, ready to serenade with top 10 lists

DUNSHIRE TAVERN — The quaint and cozy Dunshire Tavern, known for its lively atmosphere and frothy pints, found itself facing an unusual twist in entertainment last night when a wandering bard set up shop, leaving regulars scratching their heads as he serenaded them with an unexpected repertoire of top 10 lists.

“Normally, we get a bit of traditional folk music or maybe some epic ballads from the 80s,” said local patron Helen Oaks. “But this guy, he was just reciting lists of things. First, it was the ‘Top 10 Cheese Varieties.’ I mean, who does that?”

The bard, who goes by the mysterious name “Listerious,” seemed undeterred by the bewildered reactions from the pub’s patrons. He claimed that he was on a quest to revolutionize the world of bardic performances.

“I came here for a pint and some old-fashioned tunes,” grumbled one patron, who had been hoping for a night of classic ballads. “But I guess I’ve learned more about the ‘Top 10 Men Who Did Things’ than I ever cared to know.”

Another patron said of the fellow, “At least he takes requests.”