AI Detects Bill Gates’ Mean Face Could Be Serious Threat, Citing Strange Dinner Table Conversation

Bill Gates after he reacts to question about dinner with Epstein

In a startling revelation, artificial intelligence (AI) has identified Bill Gates’ “mean face” as a potential threat, all based on a perplexing dinner table conversation. The AI, known for its knack for picking up on subtle human behaviors, claims that the billionaire philanthropist’s facial expressions might hide nefarious intentions.

Dr. Roboto, the lead programmer behind the AI, explains, “Our AI has been trained on countless hours of footage of Bill Gates giving interviews, attending meetings, and speaking at conferences. It had never detected a ‘mean face’ until this dinner conversation. It was like the AI’s Spidey senses tingling.”

“It’s not about what he said; it’s about how Bill said it,” adds Dr. Roboto. “The AI noted a peculiar microexpression, which it has coined as the ‘Gates Glare.’ It’s a mix of a raised eyebrow, a sly grin, and a side-eye that the AI interprets as a clear sign of world-conquering intentions.”