Al Gore Claims Freedom of Speech Not Purpose of His Famous Invention The Internet

Al Gore giving a talk

In a shocking turn of events, former Vice President Al Gore made a startling announcement, insisting that the freedom of speech was not the intended purpose of his renowned invention, the Internet.

“Contrary to popular belief, freedom of speech was never the primary objective behind the creation of the Internet.”

Gore went on to explain that his initial vision for the Internet was far more mundane and focused on practical matters. “You’re all using the internet wrong. Everything you’ve invested countless hours into creating means nothing.”

Experts in technology and free speech, however, remain skeptical. “While it’s true that the Internet has become a hub for cat videos, it’s hard to ignore its profound impact on shaping modern discourse and challenging established power structures,” remarked Dr. Byte Logic, a leading cybernetics professor.

Despite the controversy, Al Gore seems unfazed by the criticism. In a final attempt to clarify his position, he concluded, “Look, if the Internet has become a tool for democracy and the exchange of ideas, that’s great. But let’s not forget, it was a mistake. An irreversible mistake that we will never be able to put back into the box.”