American Politicians Find Out President Xi Jinping Focuses on What Roughly Translates to ‘Technology’

President Joe Biden and President Xi Jinping

SAN FRANCISCO, CA — American politicians have reportedly learned that Chinese President Xi Jinping has been investing time and resources in a groundbreaking field known as “technology.” Sources confirm this update has sent echoes through Capitol Hill, leaving lawmakers questioning their own priorities.

“It’s like, wow, they have this whole ‘technology’ thing going on over there,” said Joe Biden, scratching his head in disbelief. “I thought Xi was just practicing lawmaking or something. Turns out, it’s way more complicated.”

“I honestly thought they were busy with TikTok,” confessed Kamala Harris, who had previously assumed that China’s technological pursuits were limited to online dance videos.

Experts in international relations suggest that the revelation about China’s focus on technology might force American politicians to reevaluate their approach to global competition. “It appears that China is investing heavily in the future,” commented Dr. Smith, a political analyst. “This ‘technology’ thing might be worth looking into.”