AOC Adds Cool New Space Background to Typewriter

AOC with new typewriter background

WASHINGTON, D.C. — In a stunning move that has left computer enthusiasts and intergalactic aficionados speechless, congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has added a cool new space background to her typewriter. This bold step into the cosmic unknown has sent shockwaves through the political and celestial spheres, establishing AOC as the leader of typewriter innovation.

In a press release, AOC’s team announced the celestial upgrade to her typewriter, citing a need for a more ‘out-of-this-world’ communication style in these modern times.

“I just felt like the typewriter needed something, you know?” AOC casually remarked during a virtual press conference. “Why be confined to the Earthly realm when you can type among the stars?”

Not to be outdone, the space background on AOC’s typewriter has sparked a new trend among politicians, with many scrambling to customize their own antiquated writing machines. Bernie Sanders was reportedly seen attaching a mini disco ball to his typewriter, claiming it was time for his words to shine.