Battleship Boardgame Found at Oval Office Desk

Joe Biden at the Oval Office with a battleship boardgame

WASHINGTON, D.C. — In an astonishing turn of events that has left the nation perplexed, sources confirmed today that a Battleship board game was discovered prominently displayed on President Joe Biden’s Oval Office desk.

The revelation sent shockwaves through Washington, with political analysts scrambling to decipher the hidden meanings behind the strategic naval game’s presence in the highest office of the land.

Biden’s opponents seized the opportunity to criticize his battleship tactics, questioning the President’s focus on a boardgame and that he needed to get into the game. Meanwhile, others defended the move, suggesting that a game of Battleship could pose as a distraction to more pressing issues.

Only time will tell how the revelation of the Battleship board game in the Oval Office will impact global diplomacy. In the meantime, the nation braces itself for the possibility of future policy decisions being made.