‘Choose Your Own Adventure’ Columbus Story Everyone’s Favorite Book for Day Off

Portrait of a Man, Said to be Christopher Columbus

In a surprising turn of events, an old childhood favorite has resurfaced to become the go-to choice for readers seeking an escape from reality during their day off. Move aside, Netflix binges and nature hikes; the new craze sweeping the nation is none other than the ‘Choose Your Own Adventure’ Columbus Story, a book that allows readers to chart their own course in the tumultuous journey of Christopher Columbus.

Once relegated to dusty shelves in the back corners of libraries, this interactive book has experienced an unprecedented resurgence, capturing the imaginations of the youth. For those unfamiliar with the concept, ‘Choose Your Own Adventure’ books let readers make choices at crucial points in the story, leading to different plotlines and conclusions. In this modern adaptation, readers find themselves aboard the Santa Maria, navigating the uncharted waters of the 15th century alongside Columbus himself.

The ‘Choose Your Own Adventure’ Columbus Story offers readers a chance to rewrite history, or at least, Columbus’s version of it.