Couple Spends Adrenaline-Filled Halloween Frightened by News Stories

Couple sitting on the couch watching TV

SANTA ANA, CA — In an unconventional twist this Halloween, local couple Dan and Linda Michelin decided to forgo the traditional haunted tours and horror movie marathons to immerse themselves in an adrenaline-packed, fear-inducing experience: a night of being terrified by the latest news stories.

“This wasn’t really the plan, but we haven’t been going out for Halloween in ages. We mostly just watch scary movies all October,” Linda explained, as the couple sat down in front of the TV for the latest headlines.

The Michelins set up camp in their living room, surrounded by flickering candles and a big bowl of popcorn, which went untouched throughout the evening.

Dan, who had initially doubted the idea, soon found himself riveted by the alarming updates. “Have you read the headlines lately? Pretty scary stuff.”

“I can’t believe what’s happening out there,” Linda whispered as she stared at the TV, her eyes widening with each new revelation. “I mean, I knew the world was a scary place, but this is on a whole new level.”