Defecting Flat Earthers Declare Earth Actually Amoeba Shape

Earth as an ameoba shape

“Once you look at the evidence it is quite compelling.” According to the report, Earth doesn’t actually have a static shape, and instead shapeshifts much like an amoeba.

In an astonishing turn of events, a group of former flat earthers have announced their defection from the conventional flat earth theory, claiming that Earth is not flat but actually resembles the shape of an amoeba. The revelation has sent shockwaves through the community, leaving flat earthers and round earthers alike in a state of perplexity.

The self-proclaimed “Amoeba Earthers” gathered at a secret location to unveil their groundbreaking theory to a crowd of bewildered onlookers. Standing in front of a makeshift model of Earth shaped like an irregularly contoured blob, spokesperson Jerry Johnson addressed the hushed audience.

“For too long, we’ve been blind to the truth,” Johnson proclaimed passionately. “Our experiments, calculations, and firm belief in the flatness of Earth have all been a ruse. It’s time for us to embrace the undeniable reality that Earth is, in fact, an amoeba.”

The group’s presentation was nothing short of mesmerizing, showcasing elaborate PowerPoint slides that juxtaposed traditional flat earth models with squiggly amoeba shapes. They argued that the curvature of the Earth’s surface wasn’t caused by gravity, but rather by the ever-changing pseudopods of the planetary amoeba as it sluggishly extended and retracted across the cosmos.

As news of the Amoeba Earthers’ claims spreads, social media has erupted with a mixture of support, mockery, and sheer bewilderment. Memes featuring Earth as a giant, gelatinous blob have gone viral, and #AmoebaEarth is trending across various platforms.