God to Consider Adding More Hours to Day for CEOs

In a stunning celestial announcement today, the Almighty is said to be seriously mulling over the possibility of extending the 24-hour day to accommodate the ever-growing responsibilities of Chief Executive Officers (CEOs). Sources close to the divine management team reveal that God is considering the move to ensure CEOs have ample time to juggle demanding schedules, which currently leave mere milliseconds for family.

“There’s a real concern that if CEOs get more time, the rest of us might have to do more work too,” warns a prominent celestial economist. “It’s a delicate balance, and we wouldn’t want to upset the cosmic equilibrium.”

The divine press secretary attempted to alleviate concerns during a celestial press conference, stating, “If implemented, it will be accompanied by a comprehensive time redistribution plan to ensure that everyone gets their fair share of minutes.”

As heavenly negotiations continue, mortal beings are left to wonder if God’s latest initiative is a sign of divine favoritism or simply an attempt to modernize the celestial schedule. Only time will tell if CEOs will be blessed with more hours in the day or if they’ll have to continue managing their cosmic empires within the confines of the existing 24-hour framework.