Man Denies Being Subliminally Driven by Water Scarcity While in Vegas

Friends in Vegas, with one friend carrying metal water bottle

LAS VEGAS, NV — In an astonishing turn of events, first-time visitor to Las Vegas, Jon Williams, denied claims that his recent visit to the city was influenced by subconscious fears of water scarcity. Despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary, after his friend noticed him carrying around an aluminum water bottle he brought from home.

“I’m not quite finished with this glass of water to start drinking yet,” Williams was seen sipping the water bottle at a bustling Las Vegas casino. “I didn’t even think about the water situation when I booked this trip. It’s purely a coincidence that it ended up in my suitcase.”

Williams’s friends, however, begged to differ. Kristen Smith who accompanied him on the trip, noted that he started acting strangely since their arrival. “He keeps asking for refills for his water bottle. It’s like he’s trying to stash away water or something.”

Witnesses reported that Williams had been watching fountains on the Las Vegas Strip with an unusual intensity, taking photos of them and muttering about “efficient water use.” Additionally, he made numerous comments about the size of Lake Mead.