Nervous Man Steals Car Ahead of Grand Theft Auto 6 Reveal

NEW YORK, NY — In a prelude to the highly anticipated release of Grand Theft Auto 6, a jittery man stole a car, prompting onlookers to collectively exclaim, “He must have been practicing!” The incident unfolded like a scene right out of the infamous video game series that has captured the imaginations of millions.

Onlookers couldn’t help but chuckle at the audacity of the thief. One bystander commented, “This guy’s dedication to his video game training is next level.”

In response to the incident, Rockstar Games, the developer behind the Grand Theft Auto series, issued a tongue-in-cheek statement, saying, “We’re thrilled to see our fans’ dedication, but we strongly advise them to keep their in-game antics within the digital realm. In the real world, you can’t hit ‘restart’ when things go south.”

The incident serves as a humorous reminder of the enduring influence video games can have on their players. As we eagerly await the release of Grand Theft Auto 6, let’s hope that the gaming community can find more appropriate outlets for their excitement—like, say, playing the actual game when it finally arrives.