Poop Emoji Declared Hate Symbol, Pending Removal From All Smartphones

Poop Emoji on smartphone

In a shocking turn of events, the once-beloved poop emoji has been officially declared a hate symbol by a consortium of concerned emoji activists. The decision comes after an exhaustive investigation into the potential harm caused by the seemingly innocent icon.

Leading the charge for the removal of the poop emoji is Dr. Waylon Goosegg, a self-proclaimed emoji psychologist who argues that the smiling pile of poop has been contributing to a toxic culture of disrespect and intolerance.

“We cannot ignore the undeniable impact of the poop emoji on our society. It may seem like harmless fun, but its use has become a tool for expressing disdain and contempt. We need to flush it away from our digital conversations to promote a more positive and inclusive online environment.”

The announcement has sparked a heated debate on social media, with users divided over the perceived threat of the poop emoji. Some argue that it’s a harmless symbol of humor, while others support Dr. Goosegg’s stance, claiming that its removal is long overdue.

Tech giants are scrambling to respond to the controversy, with Apple, Google, and Microsoft all issuing statements on the matter. In an emergency board meeting, executives debated the logistics of removing the poop emoji from billions of devices worldwide.

“We understand the gravity of the situation, and we are committed to creating a safe digital space for all users,” said a spokesperson for one of the tech companies. “Our engineers are working around the clock to develop a replacement emoji that better reflects the values of a modern and inclusive society.”