Shopper Watches Black Friday Footage to Stir Up Adrenaline Before Buying Everything Online

Woman on the couch using a laptop

RIVERSIDE, CA — In a revolutionary twist on the traditional Black Friday experience, local woman Emily Sterns has unveiled her secret to harnessing the adrenaline-fueled excitement of the shopping frenzy without leaving home. Sterns claims the heart-pounding rush of watching Black Friday footage from the safety of her living room is enough to get through everyone’s wishlists.

Sterns has carefully stayed at home this year and instead opted for watching the chaos unfold from home with Black Friday scenes on the news, including swarming crowds, lengthy queues, and viral videos showcasing shoppers in the midst of retail combat. According to her, the experience is “more exhilarating than any action movie, and she’s not really an action movie sort of person,” and insists it provides the necessary adrenaline surge to turn routine online shopping into a high-stakes adventure. “It’s tough finding all the things on everyone’s wishlists sometimes, and it helps me keep pushing forward, knowing that I’m finding the best deals while also not getting trampled.”

Sterns’s unique approach has attracted the attention of psychologists delving into the intricacies of consumer behavior. Dr. Michael Turner, remarked, “What Mrs. Sterns is doing is a fascinating blend of the digital and physical realms of consumerism. It taps into the primal instincts associated with survival, in this case, the survival of navigating through the chaos of the shopping arena.”