Startup Invents Data Condom to Stop Users From Accidentally Impregnating Internet

Two professionals looking at a laptop in office

SAN DIEGO, CA — In a world where data breaches and online security concerns run rampant, a bold new startup has emerged with a revolutionary solution to protect users from the digital consequences of their internet escapades. Meet “Gelgood,” the company that’s changing the game with their cutting-edge invention: the Data Condom.

Imagine, for a moment, that every click, every download, and every share on the internet has the potential to lead to an accidental ‘internet pregnancy.’ These ‘pregnancies’ occur when your personal data becomes compromised, leading to a digital offspring of identity theft, cyber-attacks, and countless headaches.

But Gelgood is here to provide the protection from doxing you didn’t know you needed.

Data Condoms come in various sizes to accommodate all your digital needs, from light web browsing to hardcore online gaming. And just like their real-world counterparts, they’re designed to be user-friendly, so even those with little tech-savvy can enjoy safer browsing without complications.

So, the next time you’re about to venture into the vast, unknown digital realm, remember to practice safe browsing and protect yourself with Gelgood’s Data Condoms. With this cutting-edge invention, you can finally enjoy the internet without fear of an accidental ‘internet pregnancy.’ The digital world is evolving, and Gelgood is leading the charge, ensuring that the only thing you bring back from the internet is knowledge — not your entire life exposed to complete strangers without knowing.