Time Traveler Warns Daylight Savings Disrupts Flow of Spacetime

Time traveler pictured in laboratory

PHILIDELPHIA, PA — In a stunning revelation, a time traveler from the distant future has emerged to warn humanity about the consequences of Daylight Savings Time, claiming that it has a devastating impact on the delicate fabric of spacetime.

The unidentified time traveler, dressed in a peculiar combination of old-fashioned attire, spoke at a clandestine press conference held in a dimly lit research lab.

“It’s worse than you could ever imagine,” the time traveler exclaimed, his voice quivering with urgency. “Daylight Savings Time is an affront to the laws of spacetime and threatens to unravel the very fabric of reality itself.”

The time traveler claimed that Daylight Savings Time was introduced as a simple way to save energy and make better use of daylight during the summer months. He insisted that the unintended consequences are far more sinister.

“Every spring and fall, when the clocks are set forward or backward, the disruption in the time-space continuum sends ripples through the multiverse,” he declared. “Alternate realities are created, and paradoxes form, threatening to collapse the entire universe.”

At the end of the press conference, the time traveler vanished into thin air, leaving the crowd in a state of perplexity. It remains to be seen whether Daylight Savings Time will be abolished to prevent the alleged disruptions to spacetime or if humanity will continue to “spring forward” and “fall back” in blissful ignorance of the consequences at cosmic proportions.