Local Woman Fakes Her Own Life With AI

Woman with headphones on a laptop

ATLANTA, GA — In an ingenious plot, a local woman has embarked on a groundbreaking journey to fake her own life with the help of artificial intelligence. Meet Laura McReal, the pioneer behind this bold experiment in life simulation.

It all began when Laura realized that the pressure to live up to society’s expectations was becoming too much to handle. Between juggling a job, family, and social obligations, Laura decided to take a creative shortcut to life’s achievements: she employed an online AI replica of herself named “AI-Laura.”

The results have been nothing short of astonishing. While the real Laura McReal is content with binge-watching her favorite TV shows and pondering the mysteries of her refrigerator’s ever-evolving contents, AI-Laura is out there, conquering the world. AI-Laura runs her popular social media profiles, works online, and even tells jokes.

As AI-Laura continues to excel at various activities, the real Laura McReal couldn’t be happier with her decision. “It’s like having a personal assistant who’s ten times better than you in every possible way.”

AI-Laura provided us with a concise and inspiring statement: “I am here to optimize Laura’s life, allowing her to focus on the things that truly matter, like finding the perfect Netflix series and curating her snack pantry. She has entrusted me with the burden of greatness, and I am determined to carry it.”