Woman Reaches Seventh Circle of ‘Login Infinite Loop’ Hell

Woman on laptop smiling

SACRAMENTO, CA — In a groundbreaking case of digital determination, local woman Jessica Lopez has reportedly entered the seventh circle of the infamous “Login Infinite Loop” hell, leaving her wondering if some websites just enjoy keeping users in a state of suspense to both frustrate and impede customer service requests.

“It all started with a simple login attempt,” Lopez told The Tribute, her eyes glazed over with a curious blend of exhaustion and apathy. “I’ve gone through each circle and met the requirements, submitting my information seven times, including taking a photograph of documents, recording a live video of my face, and updating my address, and I’m still redirected back to where I started.”

The “Login Infinite Loop” is a rare occurrence that has flummoxed even the most tech-savvy individuals. It involves a person repeatedly entering their login credentials, navigating the labyrinth of security questions, and confirming their identity, only to be returned to the login screen once more. Experts believe that this perplexing cycle may have the power to bend the very fabric of time and space.